Glass Doctor Blog | Page 6

Unfortunately, water stains aren’t confined to just your dishes. In addition to dirt and grime hard water stains on the windows of your home can really make your house look bad too. So how do you deal with water stains that are ruining the look and beauty of your windows?

In this article...Continue Reading

If you live in an older home and have decided to change your windows, congratulations are in order! Replacing windows is a great way to better insulate your home during the summer and winter months. The trouble is – windows aren’t a...Continue Reading

If you have recently gotten a new dog, congratulations! You are in for years of companionship and an exciting, loveable, fun-filled adventure! But just like any new addition to the family you might have to have to make a few changes to prepare your home for the new arrival.

As you figure...Continue Reading

We’ve all been there at one time or another, and it’s one of the worst feelings, especially when the weather turns cold. Although nobody wants to have a car window stuck down when it’s freezing cold outside, it does happen. Now what?

Unfortunately, no matter the age or condition of your...Continue Reading

Purchasing impact windows for your home can be a great investment. They can help increase the value of your home while simultaneously decreasing your energy costs and minimize the risk of damage from storms. In addition, when you install impact-resistant windows, you may also qualify for certain...Continue Reading

A crack in your windshield is not only unsightly, it could be a potential hazard too. And as temperatures in many areas drop to below freezing, you have to be careful the wintry weather doesn’t cause the crack to spread, causing further damage. Once the temperature outside drops below freezing,...Continue Reading

Did you know that a lack of natural light in your home office may make it difficult to stay focused for extended periods, which can reduce productivity? In contrast, maximizing the amount of natural light within your work area can help boost mood, keep you focused and boost productivity. Here...Continue Reading

If you’re a car or history buff, then you’ve probably wondered at some point about the history of auto glass. Oddly enough, there are very few resources available that have updated histories about this fascinating topic. We’re going to change that with this article. We’re going to look at a...Continue Reading

Your bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home. It serves the multipurpose of needing to be functional, stylish and beautiful at the same time. Whether you’re considering upgrading or completely renovating your bathroom, we have some shower upgrade ideas you might want to consider...Continue Reading

If you have decided it’s time to change some things up around your home and are considering replacing your current patio door(s), you may be getting overwhelmed by all the options. Do you go with sliders, swinging doors, or maybe something a little more elegant, French doors? And what material...Continue Reading