Glass Doctor Blog | Page 21

  • Yes! When used correctly window film can lower your energy bill
  • The films can appear crystal clear; yet still provide protection against the sun
  • Window film can also reduce glare and provide fade protection for fabric and upholstery

Does window...Continue Reading

  • Insulated Glass Units (IGUs) feature two panes of glass separated by an inert gas
  • The layer of gas diffuses heat transfer, which makes the window more energy efficient
  • IGUs are also known as “double glazing” of “double-pane” glass windows

Windows are a...Continue Reading

Despite looking through them daily, it’s easy to overlook the state of your windows, even when they’re screaming for attention. Luckily, it’s easy to recognize the signs of windows in need. How do you know when to replace windows?

5 Signs You Need New Windows...Continue Reading

Installation Steps

  1. Select the shape, size and bevel of your glass shelves.
  2. Use a tape measure, blue painter’s tape, and a level to determine the height and placement of your glass shelves. Keep in mind that the anchor height isn’t always the final height of the shelf
  3. ...Continue Reading

Main Options for Soundproofing:

  • Try weather stripping first. 
  • Utilize forgotten storm windows.
  • DIY! Cut one of these to size: styrofoam insulation, carpet padding + cardboard, mattress topper + cardboard, vinyl or linoleum flooring, mass-loaded vinyl,
  • ...Continue Reading

When choosing new windows, it’s important to weigh pros and cons based on your climate. This guide is organized to help you choose the most energy efficient, durable window types for your home.

Keep these initial tips in mind:

Now that mild fall temperatures have given way to bitter winter weather, you might be on the lookout for ways to keep your heating bills down. Your windows are some of the most effective places to check because air leaks could be wasting a significant amount of heating dollars. Plus, winter is...Continue Reading

During the colder months, you may start to notice fog on your windows at home. Here’s how to fix foggy windows and prevent the fog from returning.

Run the bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans when you shower and cook.

Windows are known holes of energy inefficiency in the home, accounting for 25-40% of heating and cooling costs depending on the window type and age of the home according the Department of Energy. Even homes with insulated glass units (double/triple pane windows) offer opportunities for...Continue Reading

Have you heard about the benefits of low-e glass? You may be disappointed that the only way to get low-e glass is to replace your windows. Fortunately,...Continue Reading