How to Clean Oven Windows | The Best Way to Clean Oven Glass

When was the last time you cleaned your oven glass? Deep cleaning your oven around a major holiday, at least once a year can help you remember this important task. Cleaning the oven is often overlooked - but it’s an important step to keeping your home clean and extending the life of your appliance.

Even an oven with a self-cleaning setting needs a little elbow grease. Over time, residue from the food we bake builds up on the inside of the oven. These buildups can cause the oven to smoke, break, or even catch on fire. So, whether you’re pre- or post-holiday cleaning, don’t leave your oven off the list! Read on to learn how to clean an oven window.

The Best Way to Clean Oven Glass and Clean Oven Windows

An important part of cleaning your oven is making sure to scrub any unsightly grease and grime off the glass oven door. Since it is the only part of the oven seen from the outside, you want to make sure it’s spotless.

Let’s walk through one hassle-free DIY method to make cleaning off the burnt-on grease from the interior glass of your oven door a breeze:

  1. Gather Materials
    You will need baking soda, water, a medium-sized bowl, microfiber cloth, a razor blade, a spray bottle filled with clean water, and paper towel. Luckily, you should be able to find most of these items already lying around your house.
  2. Wipe Down the Oven Door
    Dampen the microfiber cloth and use it to wipe your oven door down. This will remove the loose debris clinging to the interior of the door.
  3. Make a Cleaning Paste
    Pour ½ cup of baking soda into the medium-sized bowl and slowly add water to make a paste. You will know that it’s ready when the paste is the consistency of shaving cream.
  4. Apply the Cleaning Paste
    Spread the paste over the oven door window and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  5. Wipe Down the Door
    After giving the paste time to work its magic, use the dampened microfiber cloth to wipe all the paste off the glass door.
  6. Rinse the Door with Water
    Lastly, use the spray bottle filled with fresh water to rinse the oven window and wipe it down with paper towel.

What About Burnt on Grease on Glass Oven Doors? 

Still see burnt-on grease on your glass oven door? If you’ve followed the steps above and haven’t yet been able to banish grease stains, we recommend carefully scraping the door glass with a razor blade. Gently scrape away the stuck-on grease with the razor, making sure to only use the flat edge of the blade. You don’t want to accidentallly scratch the glass with the corner of the razor blade! Avoid scratching any of the glass seals.

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