Glass Scratch Removal Tips | Glass Doctor

Glass Scratch Removal Tips

If you have a small glass scratch, know that it’s possible to restore the glass surface back to its normal condition by following a few, simple tricks.

Keep reading to learn the best homemade solutions for glass scratch removal as well as advice on when to call in professional assistance.

How to Remove Glass Scratches

While smaller scratches can be fixed with home remedies, deeper scratches will require professional assistance. Below are some common household methods for glass scratch removal:


Before removing a glass scratch, make sure the surface is flat, clean and dry. Once the surface is ready, apply a dot of white, non-gel toothpaste to a damp, lint-free cloth.

Rub the cloth on the scratch in a circular motion for 30 seconds before looking for signs of improvement. You can reapply the toothpaste for as many times as you would like until the scratch’s appearance is minimized.

Clear Nail Polish

Clear nail polish can diminish scratches without fading or damaging the glass. Using the polish brush, spread a thin layer over the scratch. The clear polish will fill in any grooves made by the scratch.

Let the polish dry for an hour and then wipe it away with a clean cloth dipped in nail polish remover.

Baking Soda Mixture

Create a paste made up of a spoonful of baking soda and water. Use a damp cloth to rub in the paste with a circular motion. Repeat the process until the scratch is barely noticeable.

Metal Polish

Clean the scratched area and make sure it’s dry before applying the metal polish. Apply the polish to a cotton ball and gently rub it into the scratch using a circular motion.

Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any excess metal polish, revealing a smooth, finished product. Do not use the metal polish on your glass scratch more than once. It could make the scratch worse.

When Should I Hire a Professional?

Sometimes, your glass could be damaged well beyond DIY repair. If you have a crack that’s big enough to fit your fingernail through, call in a professional to assess the situation.

From mirror scratch repair to designing custom replacements, Glass Doctor® will make your glass look like new.

Why Glass Doctor?

With more than 40 years of experience, Glass Doctor is the go-to source for mirror and glass repair and replacement services. Take a look at some of the benefits we offer:

  • Upfront pricing with no overtime fees
  • Excellent customer service from uniformed professionals
  • In-home consultations with certified glass experts
  • Flexible appointment times that work around your schedule

Schedule an Appointment with Glass Doctor Today

Count on Glass Doctor for any type of glass scratch removal. Whether your glass has a minor scratch or a more serious crack, our certified professionals can repair your glass quickly and efficiently.

Call us today at 855-603-1919 to schedule an appointment.



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