Glass Doctor Blog | Page 21

The damage of Hurricane Harvey has been well documented.

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Post-storm cleanup and recovery can be overwhelming and dangerous, particularly when it comes to damaged glass. Before you go marching in with a shovel and bag, get the information you need to stay safe, clean up effectively, and avoid insurance reimbursement snafus.

If You Have...Continue Reading

When a destructive storm like a hurricane hits your area, you must be ready for the worst. In preparation for severe weather, many homeowners chose to board up their windows and doors. This often protects the glass from high winds and flying debris, allowing the homeowner to return once the...Continue Reading

The shower is the centerpiece of your bathroom. Depending on its design, this can be a good or bad thing. If you’re considering replacing your drab shower curtain with a glass shower...Continue Reading

Running out to your car in the nick of time only to discover frosted and fogged up window glass is not a fun way to start the day. Fortunately, we’ve got the tips you need in order to fight fog and frost, getting you back out on the road quickly.

What’s the Science Behind This Winter...Continue Reading

A beautiful shower has the power to completely transform your bathroom. When given a little extra attention, your shower can easily become the focal point of your space. When renovating your shower, there are several trends to keep in mind, such as dual showerheads, body jets, built-in seats and...Continue Reading

You hear all the time about how some features add to the value of your home while others do not. If the goal is to increase your ROI when selling your home, you need to choose the right renovations. Is an updated shower one of them? Yes, but with some stipulations. Here’s how to tell what...Continue Reading

Are you shopping for a new patio door? You have many options to choose from, but in the end, a sliding glass door could be the best decision. Glass Doctor® recommends selecting a sliding glass door to bring more light into your home and help you make the most of your outdoor space. Here’s a...Continue Reading

Summertime is travel time, and whether you’re off to the airport for that cross-country getaway or headed to your “stay-cation” across town, chances are you’ll use your car to help you get there. Properly maintaining your car with regular service check-ups is essential in getting from “A to B”...Continue Reading

A traditional sunroof is a solid, vehicle-body-colored panel that can be removed, retracted or tilted up to let in sun and air. Moonroofs are technically types of sunroofs, but they are transparent and not removable or retractable. They tilt open on a track automatically in newer vehicles....Continue Reading