Emergency Business Glass Services for the Fort Worth Metroplex

Unexpected glass damage can happen in an instant. When it does, Glass Doctor® of Fort Worth Metroplex is your trusted source for quick and reliable commercial glass repair. The specialists at Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex are trained and ready to respond to your call no matter the time of day or night. Our emergency response team will board up the damaged area and clean any broken glass or debris to eliminate prolonged exposure that potentially puts your business at risk. Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex specialists will measure the damaged area while onsite to expedite the commercial glass repair or replacement process.

Faster Emergency Repair

When glass breaks, it’s vital to replace it as soon as possible to minimize safety hazards and keep the property secure. The emergency business glass repair services at Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex include:

  • Window repairs and replacements
  • Glass cleanup
  • Window boarding
  • Glass door repairs
  • Door closer repairs

Advance Measurement System

Be proactive about business continuity with Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex’s Advance Measurement system. This service nicely complements existing emergency preparedness plans and is beneficial whenever you experience broken glass.

In the Advance Measurement system, a glass specialist goes to your business to take expert measurements of all the glass items and takes notes regarding the different types of glass used. Using the notes taken, the specialist creates a diagram of the property that identifies each glass item with a number. You receive a copy of the diagram and Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex keeps one on file.

The Advance Measurement system hastens the repair process, as we’ll already have the necessary measurements on file. When you experience broken glass that needs professional repair, call our team and use the diagram to tell us which pieces broke. We’ll use our copy of the diagram and our notes to find the appropriate glass items in our shop, create the glass items you need or immediately order the respective panes. If we have the glass pane you need in stock, specialists usually complete the repair in a single visit. Allowing us to keep your credit information on file also helps expedite the repair process.

In-Stock Replacement Program

If a certain pane tends to break more often than the others, is more vulnerable to breaks or its quick repair is vital to your business, take advantage of Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex’s in-stock replacement service. When you participate, we’ll keep the glass pieces that you identify in stock so you never have to worry about its availability or waiting for the piece to arrive when you need an emergency or general glass repair or replacement.

We’re happy to store specialty glass when you participate in the in-stock program. Specialty pieces include bullet-resistant, weather-resistant, high-efficiency and safety glass.

Commercial Care Program for Fort Worth Businesses

Save on all your commercial glass-related needs with our Commercial Care program. This membership program saves you time and money with exclusive benefits, such as:

  • Priority scheduling for standard glass repair and emergency business glass repair services
  • Discounts on repairs and replacements, including emergency window boarding services
  • Automatic enrollment in our in-stock and Advance Measurement programs
  • Door closer maintenance
  • Dedicated local and national commercial accounts
  • Discounts on commercial products and services
  • Discounts on auto glass repairs for the vehicles in your fleet

Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex provides an array of additional glass products and services including custom glass shelves, mirrors, storefront doors and security film. Ask one of our experts about custom glass solutions that will strengthen and enhance the visual appeal of your facility. Call our team today, and allow Glass Doctor of Fort Worth Metroplex specialists to take the lead in planning for your company’s commercial glass repair needs.