Advance Measurement System for Commercial Glass in Elkhart, IN

When you’re running a business, you have more than enough on your mind without having to think about what to do in an emergency. Unfortunately, accidents happen and disasters occur, so it helps to have a glass care plan in place. Glass Doctor® of Elkhart is pleased to offer its business clients a proactive glass care solution. With the Advance Measurement system, no matter what happens to your panes, our team of specialists will restore the glass so you can take care of business as usual. A quick phone call is all it takes to have one of our glass professionals get you signed up and scheduled for an onsite consultation.

Our Proactive Glass Care Program

During our facility consultation and survey, our specialist will walk through and create a diagram of all the glass onsite. Each piece will have a corresponding number, which serves as your code when reporting the need for a repair or replacement. The diagram will also include notes that indicate any safety glass code requirements. Doors, windows, mirrors and all types of glass we specialize in will be measured and recorded.

Faster Emergency Repairs

No matter what time of the day or night, Glass Doctor of Elkhart is ready to respond. Call us to report the number of the pane needed based off the diagram; we’ll match the pane with our inventory and arrive ready to get the job done. If a specific pane isn’t in stock we’ll perform an emergency board-up and clean debris from the area.

In-Stock Options

If you have a pane or piece of glass that is essential to running your business, or is a frequent problem, participate in our in-stock service. You’ll never have to worry about unsightly board-ups or multiple visits when we keep the right panes on hand. Save time and costs by pre-ordering glass that we’ll always have ready to go whenever you call.

Benefits of Advance Measurement

  • Cost savings: Repairs, replacements and installations in a single visit
  • Accessibility: Uninterrupted service, daily tasks and business transactions
  • Liability: Reduce risk of customer injury
  • Security: Stay secure against theft and vandalism
  • Aesthetics: Reduce board-ups
  • Stress-free Interactions: Provide business information and pre-establish credit to save time and avoid billing issues

Don’t let disaster keep you from conducting business. Instead, practice proactive glass care. Glass Doctor of Elkhart is there for you around the clock, keeping your business safe and worry-free. Call us to schedule your appointment today.