Industry Glass Solutions
From transportation and decoration to making customers comfortable, glass plays a crucial role in modern businesses. Glass Doctor® of Brookhaven's Commercial Care program is designed to make glass upgrades and industry glass repair as convenient and affordable as possible for companies in any industry, allowing them to access all the benefits of good glass at minimal cost. Our Commercial Care program will be particularly beneficial if you operate:
Condos, Apartments, and Rental Houses
The customer is always right, and when it comes to housing, the customer wants to live comfortably at minimal cost. By installing double pane or low-emissivity (Low-E) glass in all of your tenants' windows, you'll improve the efficiency of your climate control system, making your customers more comfortable in all seasons while reducing their electric bills. Commercial Care members receive discounts on these windows as well as glass shower doors, mirrors and furniture. Joining the Commercial Care program also guarantees your tenants a 15% discount on all auto glass services they request from your property.

Food Service
Glass is the key to giving your restaurant the ideal ambiance. Tinted glass windows will provide a beautiful, colorful shade to the interior while stained glass decorations will give your business an Old World charm. Tinted glass will also preserve your other decorations and wallpaper by protecting your restaurant from harmful UV radiation. In addition to decorations, we offer a wide range of products to make your restaurant more hygienic and convenient, including sneeze guards for cafeteria stands and buffets, sliding windows for drive-thru windows and glass patio doors.
Boarding Schools, Colleges, and Universities
The same principles that apply to tenants also apply to students who live on campus. Insulated glass windows will make your dorm rooms more sustainable and comfortable while glass shower doors and mirrors will make your bathrooms, locker rooms and showers cleaner and more beautiful. We also offer a line of glass equipment and safety windows for science classes as well as display cases for school awards.
Retail Shops
Keep your wares clean, visible and safe with our glass cases, shelves and display windows. If you sell clothes, let your customers try them on in front of high quality dressing room mirrors, with their privacy guaranteed by glass partitions. If you seek to keep your customers safe, replace all your windows, mirrors and cases with tempered glass, which is designed to break into safe chunks of glass that present minimal danger.
Hotels and Motels
Visitors judge hotels based on the cleanliness of their bathrooms, so make your bathrooms easier to clean by installing glass shower doors for each visitor. Our shower enclosures are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes and glass weights; our experts offer in-home consultations to determine the ideal enclosures for your bathrooms. We also offer windows, mirrors and partitions that are ideal for hotel rooms, gyms, pool areas and locker rooms. If any of your glass breaks, contact Glass Doctor of Brookhaven and take advantage of our industry glass repair and replacement services.
City Buildings
Whether your goal is to promote citizen safety, set an example of sustainability or conserve public finances, there's no better way to start than by installing safe and efficient glass windows and decorations. If any of your glass breaks, Glass Doctor of Brookhaven's industry glass repair team will fix the damage before your citizens notice.