Double Pane Windows by Glass Doctor of Belleville, IL
When your home’s energy bill begins to rise and your indoor environment seems less comfortable, the fault may lie within your home’s windows. Home’s that have single-paned windows can trust our glass specialists to upgrade them to double pane windows. If your home already has double pane windows, Glass Doctor® of Belleville, IL will repair or replace your windows to restore your home’s comfortability and energy efficiency.
Double Pane Window Repair
Double paned windows may fail over time because seals wear as windows age. At this point, even though your air conditioning and heating system struggle to keep up and maintain a consistent indoor temperature, higher utility costs become the norm. When no longer properly sealed, your insulated windows can no longer do their job by blocking heat transfer between outdoors and indoors.
When you need economical and efficient double pane window repair, call on Glass Doctor of Belleville, IL. Besides higher energy bills and lower comfort levels, you may also notice condensation between the window glass layers. This is a clear sign that your window’s seals are no longer intact. Our glass specialists will repair your windows and restore your home comfort with prompt, courteous service. In some cases, we may need to replace your double pane windows with new insulated glass units (IGUs).
How Insulated Windows Work
Insulated glass units use two or more layers of window glass separated by an insulating spacer and sealed with high-grade sealant. The insulated space can contain a moisture-absorbing desiccant, krypton or argon gas and/or a super spacer (warm-edge glass spacer) to enhance heat loss blocking and energy efficient effects
Insulated Glass Replacement
If your insulated windows cannot be repaired, Glass Doctor of Belleville, IL will return your home to comfort and energy efficiency by replacing your old insulted windows with new ones. In many cases, we don’t have to replace the whole window. Whenever possible, we will re-use the existing window frame and install new IGUs. Our goal is to provide high-quality and cost effective double pane window repair for your home. Count on Glass Doctor for expert window repairs.
Contact us today for a consultation on double pane windows!