Double Pane Windows
Insulated glass units (IGUs) create a comfortable home year-round without large energy bills. No matter how much insulation you may have in your walls or attic, your home’s windows may be a weak link, keeping your home from being energy-efficient. Glass Doctor® of Oklahoma City specializes in insulated window installation and replacement.
Insulated Glass Advantages
Double pane windows improve home energy efficiency and comfort. When you have normal single pane windows throughout your home, the hot and cool air of the outdoors can affect your indoor climate immensely.
Double pane windows, or other types of IGUS, prevent most of the energy loss that normally occurs through the glass. Your energy bills will decrease since your HVAC system is not running as much, however, your home will maintain comfortable temperatures.
Damaged Insulated Glass Units
If you have double or triple pane windows installed throughout your home, but you are still experiencing frequent climate changes in your home, your windows may have lost their insulating capabilities. Over time, the seals of insulated glass units can fail or begin to leak, spoiling their energy efficiency.

Glass Doctor of Oklahoma City offers an economical solution to replace your insulated windows in the event that the seal has failed. Properly sealed IGUs also dampen sound so you are shielded from exterior noise, as well as weather.
Anatomy of an Insulated Window
Insulated glass units are generally made with two or more pieces of glass with an insulating space between them. A spacer separates and seals the space between the two or three panes. Spaces may include a desiccant to absorb any moisture while others may include krypton or argon gases.
In some insulated windows, super spacers or warm-edge glass spacers are used. Warm-edge spacers are constructed non-metals, which prevent heat loss best in the winter’s coldest temperatures. A high-grade sealant keeps double pane windows airtight and spaces intact, ensuring each window pane’s insulating properties.
Insulated Glass Replacement
Although Glass Doctor of Oklahoma City specializes in double pane window replacement, we never recommend replacement unless absolutely necessary or unless you wish to upgrade to new higher efficiency windows. Whenever possible, our team will replace your insulated glass unit by replacing the glass and keeping your existing window frame and grid.
If necessary or desired, we will replace your existing window completely, giving your home a boost in energy efficiency that may also improve curb and appeal and house value. Our specialists will outline your options, explain window features and recommend the best insulated windows for your home.
Contact Glass Doctor of Oklahoma City today and trust us to fix your panes!