Emergency Home Glass Repair & Replacement | Glass Doctor of Fairbanks

Emergency Home Glass Services in Fairbanks, AK

Broken windows don't just threaten your safety and finances. They're also a huge environmental hazard, causing your home to consume more energy and release more pollutants. Luckily, Glass Doctor® of Fairbanks is always available to protect your home and the earth by providing quality glass repair, replacement, and renovation.

Fairbanks Emergency Services

Ecologically speaking, heating and AC are among the most damaging activities in modern American society. Nearly 20% of US electricity consumption goes to residential air conditioning alone, leading to climate change, pollution and other problems associated with excess energy use. Air conditioning systems also release chlorofluorocarbons, which damage the ozone layer. By making it difficult to keep indoor temperatures under control, broken windows exacerbate these problems, forcing you to devote even more electricity to an already energy-intensive process. As such, you should repair your windows as soon as they are broken.

Besides fast, high-quality glass repair, Glass Doctor of Fairbanks will further reduce your home's ecological impact by installing insulated glass units (IGUs). Insulated glass contains at least two glass panes held apart by a spacer, which contains water-absorbing materials. The spacer prevents heat from moving across your windowpanes, keeping your house insulated from outside temperatures. This can dramatically decrease the amount of energy required to heat or cool your home, leading to lower energy costs and less environmental damage. We also offer tinted windows to reduce the amount of radiation entering the home, making your house easier to cool in the summer and protecting your walls, carpet, furniture and other home furnishings from fading.

Board Up Services

If shattered glass has created a gaping hole in your home, allow us to board up your window for your safety and security. As an added bonus, we’ll clean up and dispose of your glass.

Don’t let a broken window become a hassle. Count on Glass Doctor to help you when a disaster breaks your panes.