Double Pane Window Services for Mat-Su-Valley
The natural fluctuation of seasonal temperatures and weather throughout the year may be refreshing, but it affects the lifespan and functionality of your windows. Windows are the primary source of energy loss in homes and businesses. The effect becomes pronounced when seals have failed, or panes are cracked. The loss of insulation leads to increased energy costs and overall building inefficiency. Glass Doctor® of Mat-Su Valley provides valuable solutions to home and business owners who are eager to save money and resources while increasing the curb appeal of their buildings. Our double pane window repair and replacement services will turn your home into a comfortable dwelling.
Upgrade to Efficient, Insulated Panes
Old windows were manufactured with single pane glass, making them extremely vulnerable to temperature changes. On cold days, heating systems work overtime to compensate for heat loss. On warm, sunny days, single pane windows act as a magnifying glass, leading to excessive heating and uncomfortable indoor temperatures. Glass Doctor of Mat-Su Valley will install modern, double pane or triple pane windows, also known as insulated glass units (IGUs), to curb heat loss.
How IGUs Work
Insulated glass units are manufactured with a spacer in between the glass panes. Two or three panes make up the unit. The spacer is filled with a moisture absorbing product, then sealed to maintain a dry, moisture free environment. This process can be completed in several ways which are all focused on preventing temperature transfer from one side of the IGU to the other. In turn, IGUs effectively protect your indoor climate from the weather extremes outside.
Double Pane Window Repair Services
The insulating seal in multi pane windows can be compromised, allowing moisture to seep between the panes and decrease the insulation's effectiveness.
When seal stress or damage occurs, many homeowners notice a condensation collection between the panes or a dirty appearance on the glass. If you notice these signs, contact Glass Doctor of Mat-Su Valley. Our service professionals replace the damaged pane without having to install an entirely new window. This double pane window repair process is easy and effective; the first visit is for measurements and give you a valid quote, and our second visit is to install the IGU. With these two easy steps you now have a safe, secure IGU for your home or business.
Contact Us
For help choosing the right windows to suit your home’s style and budget, or for quick and effective glass repairs, contact Glass Doctor of Mat-Su Valley. We promise to make your home look great and feel comfortable!