Double Pane Window Services for Middle Georgia

If you notice that your energy bills are suddenly soaring or that your home feels drafty, your windows could be the problem. As double pane windows age, their seals break, leading to the main source of temperature exchange in the home. Luckily, Glass Doctor® of Middle Georgia in Dublin has a solution. Our team will update your current windows to insulated glass units (IGUs) or perform double pane window repair on your existing panes. 

Why Choose Double Pane Windows?

double pane window

Double pane windows are a type of IGU and are one of the best ways to keep climate-controlled air from escaping. By improving energy efficiency in your home, double pane windows will keep the cost of your energy bills low and help you maintain a higher degree of comfort for your family.

Double pane windows are made up of two sheets of glass, each lined with a warm-edge spacer, such as a super spacer, which is filled with a desiccant to absorb moisture. Between the spacer is an air space, which may contain argon or krypton gas for additional insulation. Beneath and above the unit is a seal made from high-grade material that, while intact, prevents condensation forming between the panes.

Double Pane Window Replacement

With the constant changes to outdoor temperature, windows are put under high pressure, and after several years their seals can break, causing condensation between the panes that sometimes creates a milky appearance. When this happens, it is time for a double pane window replacement.

Within our group of specialists at Glass Doctor of Middle Georgia in Dublin, we have a number of experts in window installation and replacement. A specialist will arrive to your home, assess your needs, and determine whether we need to replace your windows entirely or if we can just install new glass in your existing frames to save you money.

Contact us at Glass Doctor of Middle Georgia in Dublin for double pane window replacement or to upgrade your current windows to IGUs. With a wide range of different designs to choose from, our specialists will help you find the right type to fit your needs and budget.

Keep the frame, replace the glass.