Door Closer Repair Service in Pensacola, FL

A door that opens and closes safely and smoothly doesn't attract much attention as your customers enter and exit your business. But a door that slams shut or opens too suddenly creates a hazard and also presents a poor image for your business. Door closers require proper installation, maintenance, and repair to function properly. This sort of care is beyond most business owners and support staff, without training. Glass Doctor® of Pensacola specialists are well trained and equipped to ensure that your commercial doors operate as they should, which keeps your customers, employees and premises safe.

How Door Closers Work

Manual door closers allow users to open doors easily without the need to return the door to its frame. The closer provides slight resistance, so the user knows how much force to apply to open the door. It smoothly glides open with no sudden movement and closes in the same fashion when the user stops pushing. A spring in the door closer allows the door to shut quietly and gently when resistance is no longer applied.

Door Closer Repair

Door closer repair, maintenance and installation services should only be conducted by people who are trained to do so. Using someone without the proper training may void the closer's warranty and create a safety issue if the work isn't done correctly. Our specialists have the expertise to handle door closer repair and related matters, such as frames, hardware and other components. We tackle a variety of door closer issues, restoring your entryway is our specialty.

Incorrect Types of Door Closers

Some door closers are not appropriately matched to the size and weight of the door. Large, heavy doors need a strong spring to enable it to open and close safely. The wrong type of closer makes the door more likely to suffer a misalignment that may damage the door and cause injury to the user.

Improperly Installed and Adjusted Door Closers

Our specialists ensure that the right door closer is used on each door and will install new ones if needed. We also ensure that door closers are properly maintained so they last longer, work appropriately and safely. This includes adjusting the spring, which helps prevent issues such as door frame damage and abnormal door movements.

Seal Repairs and Low Oil Levels

When seals are broken, they let your climate-controlled air out and outside air inside. Also, they may cause hardware problems and oil leaks. The leaks pose a hazard if oil reaches the floor, and a lack of sufficient lubrication affects the closer's ability to control the door safely.

Door is Difficult to Lock

A door that's difficult to lock puts your business at risk of break-ins and threatens the safely of your employees. It may also cause problems and damage to other door parts, such as the frame, lock, and closer.

Door Closer Maintenance Services

Count on our team to deliver quality door closer service. We promise to resolve your issues, so your customers experience comfortable entry into your business. Schedule an appointment today with Glass Doctor of Pensacola to ensure that your door closers operate safely and smoothly.