Advance Measurement System for Businesses in Greeley, CO

Glass Doctor® of Greeley offers your company the opportunity to gain a competitive edge; proactive glass care saves precious time and money when glass breakage happens at your facility. Our Advance Measurement system expedites response to your glass emergency and eliminates the need to re-measure the impacted area. Once you enroll in Advance Measurement system, our specialists create a diagram noting the size and type of glass needed throughout your facility. The system makes it easy for you to quickly identify the pane you need so our replacement service is expedited.

Rapid Repairs Without the Wait

One call to our experts is all it takes to initiate efficient, professional glass repair and replacement no matter the hour. Simply identify the number of the broken pane as designated on the Advance Measurement diagram when you call, and our team goes to work immediately. Often the necessary glass is in our inventory, so there is no need for unsightly emergency board-up of the damaged area. Enrolling now allows you to establish credit terms and contact information, which streamlines the process and saves your company time when minutes count.

In-Stock Options

Glass Doctor® of Greeley pre-orders glass to store in our inventory as an added benefit to our proactive glass care programs. This option is ideal for companies with glass that is prone to frequent or recurring breakage. Don’t risk having to wait for glass to be manufactured and delivered when we offer the option of in-stock availability!

Benefits of Advance Measurement


Savings: Faster replacement saves you time and money with less disruption to business flow.

Security: Lessen exposure to outside elements including weather, vandalism and theft.

Liability: Decrease the risk of injury to employees and customers.

Image: Potentially eliminate the need for unattractive board-ups and maintain visual appeal.

Credit: Establishing credit beforehand ensures accurate billing and prompt service.

Enroll in Advance Measurement today and stay one step ahead of emergency glass damage. Glass Doctor® of Greeley is your trusted partner in proactive glass care and custom glass needs. Call us today and ask one of our specialists about our business glass solutions.