Double Pane Windows
Your home must endure the whole year's shifts in climate while maintaining a steady temperature inside. Your home's windows serve as the primary means of temperature exchange to the outside, and an improperly sealed window can trade your climate-controlled indoor air for hot or cold drafts from outside. Glass Doctor® of Monroe, MI, will provide your home with multi-pane windows, known in the industry as insulated glass units (IGUs), to regulate your home's temperature, and keep outside air out. If your existing windows are failing to insulate your home, we will perform maintenance on your windows, including double pane window replacement.
Insulated Glass Benefits
Double pane window units keep hot air from seeping through your home, whether it is from outside in summer in within the house in winter. This makes it easier to regulate your home's temperature, and your heating and air conditioning units will run less, saving you money.
IGUs have at least two pieces of glass held in place with an insulating spacer. That spacer may be filled with a desiccant to absorb moisture or a non-conductive material. The unit's edge is sealed with a high-grade material that keeps condensation from entering the unit. You can also choose a noble gas like argon or krypton to be placed between the two panes to further improve the unit's insulation.
Insulated Glass Replacement
You'll know if your home is in need of double pane window replacement if you find that your double-pane windows have a foggy or dirty look between the panes. Thankfully, you don't always need to replace the whole window when this happens. Often, double pane window replacement is as simple and inexpensive as installing insulated glass units in your existing window frames.
Replacing even a few windows in your home is the first step toward greater energy efficiency, and reduced heating and cooling bills. Contact us today about upgrading your windows with more energy-efficient models, or replacing your existing windows, and get your energy bills under control.