Double Pane Windows Installed by Glass Doctor of McAllen

Double pane windows are an effective way to protect your home from the elements and extreme temperature changes. This is especially important in McAllen, where weather ranges from hot and muggy to frigid and icy. If a window's seal is improperly installed or fails, it will no longer protect you, as it should. Your home will become drafty and your HVAC system will operate less efficiently. Glass Doctor® of McAllen promises to keep your home's indoor temperature regulated through window replacement.

Using insulated glass keeps energy costs in check. The build of an IGU makes all the difference. Two or more glass pieces fitted with spacers between the panes insulate and separate the panes of glass. The spacer is typically filled with a material called desiccant, which absorbs moisture. Sometimes argon or krypton gas is mixed into the air pocket to provide additional insulation.

double pane window

The early warning signs of subpar window performance are drafts and poor energy efficiency. The vacuum-packed air escapes, allowing the outside air to occupy space between the panes. This results in a buildup of moisture. Once condensation between panes develops and windows take on a milky cast, our specialists will replace the pane or window to restore function. Seals fail for several different reasons, including extreme temperatures, inferior materials and faulty installation.

Double Pane Window Replacement

Broken windows merit a pane replacement. Our team will replace broken or aged panes, using the existing framework to save time and money during the replacement. We apply high-grade sealant along the perimeter of the window, which increases the pane's lifespan and efficiency.

Damage to the frame will warrant a frame and pane replacement. Ask a specialist about installing new insulated glass units. We install a variety of IGUs, including dual-sealed and double-pane units. You have the option to add low-emissivity (Low-E) coating to any pane installation project.

Contact a Glass Doctor of McAllen specialist today for an in-home consultation. Our specialists will restore and rejuvenate your home. Se habla español!
