Emergency Business Glass Services in Snohomish & Skagit Counties

As a business owner, building security is typically a major concern and breach in your building’s exterior from a broken window or glass door will likely necessitate immediate attention. In addition to security considerations, broken glass often brings a safety hazard that compounds the issue.

At Glass Doctor® of Snohomish & Skagit Counties, we're well-regarded for our emergency business glass repair services, available to business owners as far north as Bellingham and south to Mount Vernon and Snohomish. This is a separate division from our automotive and residential glass repair operations and, because businesses present unique needs as far as glass repair is concerned, our specialists are both well-trained and experienced in emergency business glass repair operations.

Emergency Repair When You Need It

Our emergency glass repair specialists are always on call, seven days a week, 52 weeks per year. When we receive an emergency call a unit is dispatched to your location immediately. Upon arrival, a uniformed, trained glass expert will assess the damage and, in accordance to our up-front pricing policy, give you a cost figure for the repair or replacement.

Job number one is to clean up and dispose of any and all debris remaining from the broken glass incident to remove the safety risk posed by small or large pieces of shattered glass. Measurements will then be taken and, if the correct sizes and types of glass required are immediately available, the glass break will be remedied on the spot. If you've previously availed yourself of our pre-measuring program, we may have the necessary supplies right on our emergency response vehicle.

If the required glass is not immediately available for installation, the broken window or door area will be sealed and boarded up in order to secure the building and prevent intruders from entering. Once the needed glass has been obtained, we'll make an appointment at your convenience to complete the repairs.

A Unique Commercial Care Program

Glass Doctor of Snohomish & Skagit Counties offers a wide array of business glass repair services, each designed to help your business run with continued efficiency even in the face of a broken glass emergency. Our Advance Measurement System provides huge benefits in your time of need, and is a cornerstone of our Commercial Care Program. One of our glass specialists will come to your location and conduct a survey of all the glass in your occupancy, notating both dimensions and types of glass in each instance and transferring all the data to a numbered listing and diagram.

Windows or doors that see frequent damage can be pre-ordered and kept in stock in our warehouse. When you require glass repair, we simply need to be told which numbered pieces were affected. If we have that piece in stock, we will come out and complete the replacement in a single call, avoiding the need for an unsightly board-up.

Other benefits provided members of the Commercial Care Program include:

  • Special pricing on all work
  • Discounts on any emergency board-up
  • Emergency response scheduling priority
  • Commercial account setup to include all company branches

We'll even extend a 15% discount on automotive glass repairs called in from a Commercial Care member's property. Learn more about our comprehensive business glass services by contacting Glass Doctor of Snohomish & Skagit Counties now!