Double Pane Windows

Per square foot, your home’s windows lose more heat in the winter and gain more warmth in the summer than any other surface. Windows occupy a critical portion of wall space, resulting in a high rate of energy exchange that ultimately translates into higher heating and cooling costs. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce those costs. Glass Doctor® of Tacoma, WA has the solution for regulating your Pierce County home’s interior climate: insulated glass units (IGUs), also known as double pane windows.

Even if your home already has double pane windows, it’s important to look for indications of condensation under the panes. This means a broken seal has allowed a leak to occur and repair or replacement is in order.

Double Pane Windows

double pane window

A double pane window consists of two or more panes of glass that are separated with spacer material and sealed together at the edges. The insulating airspace is commonly filled with air, argon or krypton. Each pane has two surfaces, which means each double pane window has four surfaces. A high-grade sealant is used to prevent condensation accumulating between each pane.

An IGU is designed to regulate and control energy transfer back and forth between the inside and outside of your home. It accomplishes this by controlling the heat that flows through the window frame or glass, the energy transmitted from sunlight, and the heat flow by the movement of the fluid or gas.

Multi-pane Benefits

Double pane windows keep the outside heat and cold from entering your home, making it more comfortable and energy efficient. In addition to energy savings, IGUs make your home more environmentally friendly. One of the greatest perks of a double pane window is its sound dampening qualities. This quality makes them an invaluable investment for homes and businesses located in urban areas and for those who live near busy streets or airports.

Window Glass Replacement

The double pane window specialists at Glass Doctor of Tacoma, WA excel at window pane replacement. You don’t always need to replace your entire window. We can install IGU replacements in your existing frames, resulting in substantial cost savings.

We offer homeowners in Tacoma, WA and the surrounding areas real energy saving solutions through the installation of IGUs. Contact us today to learn more.

Keep the frame, replace the glass.