Double Pane Windows
Volatile temperatures and weather extremes cause year-round window stress. Typically, this results in seal damage, allowing drafts to create unpleasant interior conditions throughout your home. Unsightly milky panes are signs of broken seals and panes. Call Glass Doctor® of Midland, MI to perform professional double pane window repair. We save your straining HVAC system, eliminating rising energy costs with industry trusted insulated glass units (IGUs). Reach out to our team and ease your budget today.
Insulated Glass Unit Specs and Advantages
Regulate interior temperatures using energy-efficient IGUs. Units effectively block excessive heat exchange. Likewise, comfortable climate-controlled temperatures remain inside, allowing your family to feel cozy at Christmas or cool after a summer swim. Expect unbeatable savings made possible by advanced IGU construction.
IGUs seal and separate two or more glass panes with an insulating spacer and air pocket. Fill the space with insulating gas or enjoy the natural noise buffer inherent in every IGU. Upon request, our glass experts fill spacers with a highly absorbent desiccant or install a warm-edge super spacer. We complete double pane window repair using industry grade sealant around the perimeter of each unit. This prevents accumulating condensation, keeping your home looking spectacular through deep snows and penetrating sunshine.
Insulated Glass Unit Replacement
Glass Doctor of Midland, MI upgrades or replaces damaged IGUs for maximum comfort and curb appeal. Expect our experts to apply industry best practices and assess your existing frames for time and money-saving replacements.
Serving Victorville and surrounding areas, Glass Doctor of Midland, MI specializes in double pane window repair. For more information, call or complete an online order request form. We’ll schedule a consultation to measure your home glass panes and discuss more advantages of IGU installation.