Double Pane Windows

The only thing between you and the arctic blasts in Woodstock are the walls of your home and its windows. Insulated glass units (IGUs), offered by Glass Doctor® of Oxford County, ON make heating your home more cost effective. When the glass or a seal in the window breaks, promptly scheduling a double pane window replacement saves energy and keeps your home consistently comfortable.

Double Pane Windows

double pane window

Double pane windows consist of two panes of glass within a frame that are separated by an insulated spacer. Glass Doctor of Oxford County, ON generally installs spacers with a warm-edge form core, as they:

  • Seal the glass
  • Give the window higher insulating values
  • Prevent air leaks
  • Prevent thermal conductivity

Our glass specialists also use a high-grade sealant around double pane windows to prevent air leaks. Depending on your energy-related needs, our Woodstock specialists may use a non-toxic gas - like krypton or argon - between the glass panes to add an invisible layer of insulation and increase their efficiency.

Insulated glass units do not work as effectively when one of the components is damaged. You’ll need a double pane window replacement if, for example, you notice fog, moisture or a milky appearance between the panes of glass because these symptoms are indicative of a broken seal.

Benefits of Double Pane Windows

Improved Energy Efficiency

With traditional, single pane windows, the temperature outside greatly affects the temperature inside. For instance, you may notice that the sun makes a room feel warmer when its light shines through the window. In the winter, you may feel colder when you sit next to the window. These temperature exchanges make your heating and cooling systems work harder to maintain the comfortable temperature you desire.

Double pane windows prevent heat exchanges and air leaks, so the temperature outside is likely to affect the temperature inside your home. This benefit keeps your HVAC system from working harder, which saves energy and keeps your power bills lower.

Noise Reduction

Because of its insulating properties, double pane windows protect you from the elements and buffer outside noises. This is particularly beneficial if:

  • Neighbours play loud music or use loud tools
  • Children often play outside
  • Your street has heavy traffic
  • You live near a noisy airport or industrial area

Less Fading

Double pane windows block the sun’s heat and its damaging UV rays. Install them throughout your Woodstock home to reduce sun-related fading and discoloration.

Double Pane Window Replacements

As soon as the glass in your window breaks, call Glass Doctor of Oxford County, ON to schedule a double pane window replacement. Do the same if a window seal fails. Reasons for needing to replace a seal include:

  • Damage
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures
  • The seal is of low quality
  • Incorrect installation

Our team specializes in double pane window replacement and installation.

At Glass Doctor of Oxford County we use top quality products and our specialists receive extensive training to perform successful double pane window replacement services and other glass-related projects. To learn more about IGUs or to schedule a replacement, contact us today.

Keep the frame, replace the glass.