Door Closer Repair Services in Paradise Valley

Door closers make all your business’s entryways function safely. At Glass Doctor® Home + Business of Paradise Valley, we offer door closer maintenance and repair services to keep the mechanics of your door working as they should. Trust our local technicians to do the job quickly and correctly.

Don’t ignore a poorly functioning door. Call (480) 955-2835 to get started with a repair.

How Door Closers Work

Manual door closers allow people to easily open a door without having to manually close it after they’ve entered or exited a room. A quality door closer offers a satisfying sense of door weight and slight resistance as it is pulled. A spring then pulls the door closed once there is no longer pressure on the door itself, gently bringing the door shut.

Door Closer Repair or Replacement?

Unfortunately, not all door closers are good candidates for repair. For example, it’s typically not possible to repair a door closer that’s leaking oil. Problems like low oil levels or broken seals will likely require replacement.

If your door closer has a broken or damaged arm, which is the mechanism that connects it to the frame, it may be repaired. The arm can malfunction because of faulty installation, an accident, or normal wear and tear.

Your local Glass Doctor technician will help you to determine the best course of action for fixing your doors. If you need any repairs for your glass storefront as well, we’ll take a look.

Door Closer Maintenance

Door closers require occasional maintenance and adjustment. Your door will show problem signs when it requires services:

  • Difficulty locking or unlocking
  • Problems shutting
  • Rubbing or scraping
  • Slow, jerky, or otherwise abnormal opening and closing

Why Is Door Closer Repair Important?

Most commercial buildings need to have door closers to meet local building codes. These devices are advantageous to property owners and customers because they make it safe and satisfying to use doors. Professional door closer repair will keep your door closers working and extend their useful life.

Find Door Closer Services Near Me

Allow your patrons and employees safe and easy access to your business. Choose Glass Doctor for top-notch commercial door closer repair in Paradise Valley.

Request an appointment online or call (480) 955-2835 to schedule your service appointment.

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