Permanent Sneeze Guards and Glass Shields

Sneeze guards, sometimes known as glass shields or germ barriers, aren’t just a good idea – they keep your employees and customers safe! Sneeze guards block the spread of germs between employees and customers at traditional points of interaction – at a counter, kiosk or restaurant.

Sneeze guards may be temporary or permanent. While we saw a swift uptick in the purchase of temporary sneeze guards in early 2020, we’re now seeing a shift toward permanent glass shields. Permanent sneeze guards are sturdy, easy to clean, resist yellowing, and can be customized for a variety of different needs.

Find out if a permanent sneeze guard is right for your business.

Need sneeze guards now? Call 833-974-0209 or request an appointment online to get started.

What Is a Permanent Sneeze Guard?

A permanent sneeze guard is a see-through glass shield that is permanently affixed to a table, countertop or within a window frame. Unlike temporary sneeze guards, they cannot be easily moved out of place and are fixed in position by a series of pillars and clamps.

Permanent sneeze guards are always made with safety glass, making them easy to clean. Where temporary sneeze guards may scratch or yellow over time, permanent sneeze guards will maintain their function and appearance for years to come.

Which Are More Expensive: Temporary or Permanent Sneeze Guards?

While, often more expensive at initial purchase, permanent sneeze guards have a longer life span than their temporary counterparts, delivering better value. Temporary germ barriers are typically made of Lexan or plexiglass, which may yellow or scratch over time, becoming more difficult to see through and more challenging to clean.

Is a Permanent Sneeze Guard Right for My Business?

Permanent sneeze guards are the right choice for many settings, from ticket kiosks to office buildings. Unless your business is one that regularly reconfigures its space, or that requires employees to move around a client, a permanent sneeze guard is likely the right option.

It's possible that your business may benefit from a variety of sneeze guards; both permanent and temporary. For example, a restaurant may choose to install a permanent sneeze guard at their bar or host stand while purchasing a variety of portable, temporary sneeze guards for their tables.

Permanent Sneeze Guard Requirements

Permanent sneeze guards require very little from your team, as they can be customized to fit your building and business model. Permanent sneeze guards require framing – and that framing must be fixed in place to the floor, a countertop or sturdy desk. Outside of framing, there are very few permanent sneeze guard requirements.

Sneeze Guard Frames

At Glass Doctor®, we believe sneeze guard frames may be customized to fit your aesthetic. Work with your local Glass Doctor to learn more about your options for frame design, color, size and style.

Customize Your Sneeze Guard Glass

Permanent sneeze guard glass is highly customizable. Depending on the needs of your business, permanent sneeze guards may include:

  • Pass through openings or transaction windows with variable sizing
  • Speak throughs
  • Bulletproof glass
  • Tinted or patterned glass
  • And more.

How to Install a Permanent Sneeze Guard

With Glass Doctor, permanent sneeze guard installation is a breeze. Our teams will work with you to:

  1. Measure
  2. Select custom options (transaction windows, glass type, etc.)
  3. Select design (color, pillar type, etc.)
  4. Schedule installation
  5. Install

Glass Doctor teams are professional and highly qualified. Our expert service professionals are also taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of germs.

Choose Glass Doctor for Permanent Sneeze Guard Installation

Sneeze guards are more than just a health precaution, they are a visual signal to your employees and customers that you care. For long-term, high-quality sneeze guard solutions, choose Glass Doctor. Call 833-974-0209 or request an appointment online to learn more.