Car Window Replacement and Repair Services in East Orlando

If you have a damaged car window, you may find that using other modes of transportation is a safer option than driving. However, this decision can be problematic, considering East Orlando’s elevated temperatures and heavy rainfall. You want to be comfortable and protected, but driving with compromised window glass puts you and your passengers at risk.

From small chips to visible cracks, Glass Doctor Auto of East Orlando can help you get back on the road safely with our top-of-the-line car window replacement services.

a man and male Glass Doctor service professional standing in front of a white car in a garage and looking at a tablet

Types of Car Windows We Replace

Our team can replace every type of car glass on your vehicle, including:

  • Windshields
  • Rear window glass
  • Sunroofs and moonroofs
  • Quarter glass
  • Mirror glass

You can trust our team to provide proven and reliable service to meet your auto glass needs.

Car Window Replacement vs. Repair

Unlike windshields, which are made of laminated glass, side car windows are made of tempered glass, which loses much of its durability when damaged. To maintain the structural stability of your side windows when damage occurs, consider car glass replacement.

How We Replace Your Car Windows

Our car window replacement process follows recommended guidelines from the Auto Glass Safety Council (AGSC).

Our specialists will:

  • Clean up any broken glass
  • Remove your window’s seal or vapor barrier
  • Replace your window glass according to AGSC Standards
  • Ensure that your power window regulator is working after the installation.

FAQ about Car Window Repair and Replacement

What do I do if my side window is smashed?

If you discover that your car’s side window is smashed, you should take the following steps immediately: 

1. Secure the area and assess the damage: The first step is to ensure you are in a safe environment and evaluate the extent of the damage. 

2. Call the authorities: Contact the local authorities to report the incident and provide any necessary information. This step is crucial, especially if you suspect vandalism or theft. 

3. Document the damage: Take clear photos of your vehicle's smashed side window from different angles. These photos will be useful for insurance claims or filing a police report. 

4. Contact your insurance company: Reach out to your insurance provider and follow their instructions for filing a claim. Provide them with any necessary documentation, including the incident report and photos. 

5. Temporarily cover the window: Use a plastic or tarp-like material to cover the smashed side window temporarily. This will prevent rain, debris, or potential break-ins until you can get it fixed. 

6. Explore repair options: Research auto glass repair shops in your area that offer reputable car window replacement services.

7. Schedule the repair: Once you have chosen a repair shop, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Remember that a smashed side window compromises the safety and security of your vehicle. 

Once you contact your local car window repair professional, they will take the following actions:

1. Secure the area and remove any broken glass shards in and around your window frame.
2. Order replacement glass for the compromised window.
3. Replace your window glass according to Auto Glass Safety Council standards.
4. Test your window’s operation to ensure it’s working properly.
5. Apply sealant around the window frame to ensure a watertight seal (this step may vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle).

By following these steps, an auto glass professional can effectively replace a smashed side window to protect your and your passengers’ well-being.

Glass Doctor Auto of East Orlando Offers Car Window Replacement Solutions

Stay safe and secure on the road while enjoying the vibrant sights and experiences of East Orlando. If your auto glass is damaged, contact one of our specialists for car window replacement services at (321) 754-9559 or request a job estimate online.