Commercial Door Closer Service in Johnson City, TN

When customers approach your business, they absorb many visual cues about your establishment. Easily noticeable is whether the glass in your storefront and door are in good repair or if the door does not work properly. Turn every potential customer into a loyal client with exceptional glass care. Glass Doctor ® of Johnson City, TN experts have the experience to provide manual door closer repair and maintenance services for your commercial door needs.

How Door Closers Work

A well-functioning door closer ensures the door to your business operates properly following local building codes, fire ordinances, and ADA accessibility requirements. By storing the energy used to open the door in a torsion or compression spring, a manual door closer releases the energy to close the door. Although a properly installed door closer provides some resistance as the individual opens the door, the resistance gives way to a gliding door as it opens. When the person stops providing resistance, an internal spring forces the device's arm to close the door gently into the doorframe.

Types of Door Closer Repairs

Glass Doctor of Johnson City, TN service professionals commit to providing high-quality maintenance, repairs, and replacement services of all types of manual doors to help further enhance your businesses. Common issues include:

  • Incorrect door closers: Commercial doors must have heavy-duty door closers with strong springs to support the weight. The wrong type of door closer can lead to misalignments, damaged doors, and possible safety risks.
  • Improper installation and adjustments: Glass Doctor of Johnson City, TN experts have the right tools and equipment to install and maintain door closers. We also use the best practices in the industry to keep your door closers in good working condition, helping to increase their overall lifespan.
  • Seal repairs or oil leaks: Broken seals in your door closer exposes clearance gaps, which can leave hardware susceptible to damage and may lead to leaks. Oil leaks may indicate a mechanical problem with a door closer, such as failed seals, missing screws, or broken O-rings. Glass Doctor of Johnson City, TN can replace the oil in the door closer with ease.
  • Difficult Lock: Any degree of difficulty experienced locking a door compromises the effectiveness of the doorframe, lock, door closer and presents a safety risk.

Our experienced service professionals have the skills to install and maintain a door closer and adjust the spring to prevent a variety of potential problems, including:

  • Misalignments
  • Doorframe damage
  • Unusual or unexpected movements of the door

Door Closer Maintenance Services

Our professional door closer repair services ensure that every component on a door remains in proper and safe working condition. Glass Doctor of Johnson City, TN also provides services for glass repairs, doorframes, hinges, thresholds, and other hardware. Contact our team to learn more about our door closer repair and replacement services or schedule an onsite consultation.