Customer Testimonials

These guys went out of their way to fix a window for us, same day! They did awesome work and the technician was extremely knowledgeable.
- Candice G.

Something hit my Jeep on 75 and cracked my windshield. I looked up several companies and ultimately chose Glass Doctor[of Tampa Bay]. They were at my office within a couple of hours and replaced my windshield with an OEE one so I didn't lose my Jeep emblem (Jeepers will understand). Thanks for your help!
- Joe S.

Howard did an amazing job. The service was quick, efficient, and very professional. I am very impressed with everything from making an appointment to job completion. Highly recommended.
- David B.

What a value! Called to set up an appointment, scheduled for the next day. Their technician A.J. coordinated with me so that I could meet him during lunch and not have to wait for him to come. First class window repair at a value price. Highly recommend.
- Mark T.

We had a tree trimming service break a bedroom window in our house. I called Glass Doctor and they were able to dispatch a technician quickly who fixed the broken window on the spot. He was friendly, professional and cleaned up after the job was finished. Glass Doctor did a great job and I highly recommend them.
- Andrew F.

Ordered a tempered glass top for my coffee table, it was priced right, delivered ahead of schedule, even obtained complimentary rubber spacers, and a can of glass cleaner. Thank you very much Rob!
- Hicham T.

Once again, Glass Doctor[of Tampa Bay] comes through in a pinch...The scheduling of the technician to come to my office and replace my glass while I worked was painless and simple...Glass Doctor of Tampa is the best!
- Jason H.