Double Pane Windows

If you're interested in improving your home's curb appeal, creating a more consistent indoor air temperature and lowering noise pollution, investing in insulated glass units (IGUs) is an excellent place to start. Glass Doctor® of Memphis has years of combined experience performing replacement, installations and upgrades to windows that drastically improve the comfort of your Memphis home. If you already have double pane windows installed in your home but broken seals are causing drafts and air leaks, it may be time to have our glass specialists perform an inspection for replacement. Typical indications that your windows have broken seals may include excess condensation between the panes or a foggy appearance to the glass.

Insulated Glass Benefits

double pane window

Insulated glass windows are engineered to keep outside air from interfering with your home's indoor climate by preventing heat gain during the summer or heat loss from inside during the winter. With IGUs, home air conditioners or heating systems don't have to work so hard to compensate for temperature fluctuations as the weather changes, which will save you an enormous amount of money all year long.

An IGU is comprised of two pieces of glass with an insulating spacer between them. The spacers are filled with a moisture-absorbing desiccant to further enhance the insulating qualities of insulated glass windows. Sometimes a warm-edge space, like a super spacer, is used between the panes. The edges of the entire IGU are then made airtight with a high-grade sealant to prevent issues with condensation or air drafts. It is also possible to insert gases like krypton or argon into the airspace separating your double pane windows.

Insulated Glass Replacement

When you need your IGU or double pane window replaced, Glass Doctor of Memphis is often able to install new insulated glass while allowing you to keep your existing window frames, saving you even more money. If your double-pane windows are in dire need of replacement, contact our glass specialists to schedule an in-home consultation.

Keep the frame, replace the glass.