Customer Testimonials

One of my window panes snapped at the corner and popped out on the coldest day of the year; Glass Doctor was able to come out and see me at my earliest availability. The technician was very friendly and professional (even with my dogs!). Originally, he gave me an estimate for about $70 to replace the pane, but when I asked if he could just pop the existing one back in, he enthusiastically offered to give it a shot. He was able to get the existing pane back in, and he did something to it to ensure that it wouldn't come out again. He also checked other panes on the same window and secured them, too. He didn't charge me a cent - just asked me to keep the company in mind in the future. I certainly will, and I hope you give them a try, too. I couldn't be more pleased with my experience with them.
Annie V.

Fast, friendly and reasonable!!! This will be my recommendation for everyone...
Candi A.

They took great care of me so grateful Kelry and Marc are awesome!!!
David G.