Customer Testimonials

Never had a cracked windshield before...Brian was very friendly and a pleasure to do business with...I will recommend them to anyone I know who has a glass problem. And thanks to Brian for making me a satisfied customer!
- Charles B.

I would highly recommend this company. I requested information on line, and was immediately called by a very professional representative, who scheduled a speedy appointment and helped to facilitate the insurance claim. Very little was required from our end, and the job was done! Technician came in the rain and on time, and completed the work to our satisfaction. Very pleased with the service from start to finish!
- Suzi M.

We just had Glass Doctor fix our panes, 8 in our house. They do beautiful professional work. I recommend them to everyone. Our windows were 3 panes thick and the seals broke. There was steam in between the glass and it looked chalky.
- Donna L.

Props go out to Jason from the Glass Doctor for taking care of my car window. Showed up on time, got it done quickly and priced right. They have my recommendation.
- Paul O.

Glass Doctor of Birmingham saved the day! While driving on the interstate I had a tire tread flip up and hit my windshield shattering it. I stopped and was able to get off the road and call for help. My good fortune was calling Glass Doctor and receiving their excellent service. Although the experience was bad, Glass Doctors did everything they could to minimize my problem, did an excellent job of fixing my can, gave me a loaner car and then had me back on my trip; in short I would recommend Glass Doctors of Birmingham.
- David G.

Many Thanks to Jon A. from the Glass Doctor Northeast Ohio branch for the FANTASTIC job done!!!!! Very pleased with the work, expertise and excellent customer service. Thank you Jon!
- Jennifer P.

Great job done by Glass Doctor of Camden County in NJ. Eric was extremely professional and treated my house like his own. The price was great and the job was done perfectly. I hope I don't need to replace any more glass but if I do I will be sure to use them. Great job guys.
- Jason R.

We love Glass Doctor of Bozeman!! We have had a couple of windshields replaced and have always been pleased with the outcome. Yesterday we called late in the morning and they worked hard to get us in. Tom, Keith and Jeff were great to work with and provide great customer service that will be long remembered when doing business with your company. Again, thank you all for getting us in the same day and working so hard to shorten our wait. We will continue to do business with them and will be happy to tell anyone looking for repairs about Glass Doctor.
- Melody S.